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It’s guest post day here at freshbenies and we’re sharing some great advice from our friend and insurance expert, Tanya Boyd!

You have 2 days to save on your healthcare! Are you one of the 13.5 million Americans with a Health Savings Account (HSA)-eligible insurance plan? Do you have one? 

Perhaps you need to be reminded of the advantages! 

Consider this a quick "hey, don't forget" reminder that you have until April 15, 2015 to fund your 2014 HSA. 

Here are 10 reasons you should maximize your HSA contribution now and in the future…

1. It's what smart people do.

2. Contributions to your HSA are pre-tax. This means you get to take money out of your paycheck and move it to the HSA fund BEFORE taxes are taken out. It’s like getting 20+% more for your money!

3. (My favorite!) You can add to your HSA right up until your tax deadline (if you haven’t reached your limit yet). This is one way to lessen your tax burden. BOOM!

4. Unused funds roll over from year to year. This is NOT a “use it or lose it” account.

5. It’s YOUR money - even if your employer contributes. And, you can take it with you if you leave!

6. Not only can you use your HSA money to pay for your qualified health expenses, but also your dependent's expenses - even if they aren’t on your health plan. Yep, it's true.

7. You can use your HSA money for vision and dental expenses, so go ahead and get that vision correction surgery.  Or, pay for your children’s braces…perhaps they’ll smile more?

8. Plus, don't forget - if you have an HSA-qualified plan (also known as a High Deductible Health Plan or HDHP) you’re already paying a lower premium for health insurance. That’s WAY smart (see point #1).

9. Opening an HSA is easy. Talk to your health insurance broker, HR person or local bank.

10. There are many more reasons, but, let’s get to some important documents to help!

Click here to learn more about HSAs 

Click here for 2014 & 2015 HSA Contribution Limits 

Click here for a list of eligible expenses

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Tanya Boyd
Tanya Boyd
President of Tanya Boyd & Associates

I didn’t want to go to urgent care or the ER. Using Doctors Online in my freshbenies membership, I went online to ask a doctor. The doctor responded and said to check my blood pressure. He followed up with the next day to make sure my numbers were OK. By then, the feeling was starting to go away. He told me if it persists to contact my doctor. It was great that I didn’t have to go somewhere and wait forever, and it was free.” - Kelli from Texas

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Marta from NC

I’ve had a great experience using this app!

It’s very convenient with everyday life.


I use it all the time and highly recommend freshbenies to everyone!