Did you know one freshbenies membership includes your spouse and immediate family members? It’s true! There’s no extra cost and setting up the family to use the services is super-easy!
Here's what you need to know to manage dependents from your freshbenies Member App or Portal...
Ready for 2020? A lot has changed over the last decade, but the need for more control of healthcare is still strong – and freshbenies has your back!
Check out some of our top tips this year for controlling your healthcare dime, time and peace of mind. Here we go….
Do you have expensive prescriptions? Do you have prescriptions that aren’t covered by insurance?
While there are many ways to save, the freshbenies prescription savings program might be right for you! Why do I use the word “might?” Good question! Let’s dish…
Has your family been hit with the increasing cost of medications? Many of us are impacted by prescription prices. According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 47% of Americans have used a prescription drug in the last 30 days, 21% have used three and 10% have used five or more drugs.
Telehealth has made huge strides in popularity over the last few years, but do you ever wonder if it's safe? I’ve been using it for about 8 years and have heard success stories from hundreds of people who use it. Still, there are those who haven’t used it and ask me the same common questions.
Do you consider yourself a savvy healthcare consumer? I do, but a couple of summers ago, I made some mistakes that cost me $905 – and it could’ve been much worse! Here’s my story and hopefully it will help you, too.
It was time for my annual mammogram and my doctor thought it would be good for me to have one additional diagnostic test based on some issues I was having (I’ll spare you the details – you’re welcome!).
“Back when I was a kid, if you wanted to see a doctor, you had to walk 10 miles in the snow. Uphill. Both ways!”
It’s that time of year! That’s right…the “Best of 2015” lists are everywhere! So, we thought we’d join the fun and provide our top 5 freshbenies articles from 2015. Without further ado…enjoy!
I’ve had a great experience using this app!
It’s very convenient with everyday life.
I use it all the time and highly recommend freshbenies to everyone!