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Closing out the Decade: Top 5 Articles of 2019

One more week and this decade is “in the books!” Important things like memes have gotten better, but what about healthcare? From the 2010 signing of the Affordable Care Act to chants of “Repeal and Replace” to #MedicareForAll – healthcare reform continues to be a hot button. 

Meanwhile, you’re working to help clients and their employees with strategic plan design and consumerism tools to navigate this complex healthcare system. We’re committed to helping you with strategies, trends and solutions to benefit challenges. As we roll into the next decade, check out our top 5 articles from 2019…

1. 12 Employee Benefit Experts You Need to Follow

Have you connected with these industry leaders? In our ever-changing industry, it’s critical to keep learning. Heidi compiled this list of 12 pros, why you should follow them, and what you can expect. Click here to read it now.

2. 2019 Benefit Conferences: Which Ones Should You Attend?

What industry conferences did you attend in 2019? Over the last 25+ years, Reid has attended HUNDREDS. This article lists 10 for you to consider, along with the audience and focus of each. 

3. 4 Dumb Things Smart Brokers Believe

How are you helping employers and employees think differently about healthcare and insurance – in order to give them more control? Reid shares 4 misconceptions about non-insurance services to show why they should be part of every strategic benefits plan discussion. Click here to check it out now. 

4. 6 Real-Life Ways Advocacy Simplifies Healthcare

We’re past the days when your clients can thrive with just insurance plans. A whopping 93% of employees don’t believe their health insurance company is looking out for their best interests.

In this article Reid shares six specific ways an independent, premium Advocacy service is critical for your clients and their employees. 

5. Provider Sponsored Health Plans: 4 Challenges

Are provider-sponsored health plans a good option for your clients? Some have experienced success while many haven’t. Neil shares 4 challenges to consider as you strategize the best alternatives for your groups. Click here to read it now.

BONUS! $72M Saved! 3 Tips to Deliver True Savings

Did you see the growing list of freshbenies Million Dollar Club honorees? We love celebrating broker partners who help their clients save with freshbenies. Click here for an article with 3 tips for being a strategic, stand-out partner to your clients.

Now it’s your turn! What articles, podcasts, books, etc. did you find most helpful this year? Comment below or email us at to share your biggest learnings from 2019 – we’d love to hear!

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Tanya Boyd
Tanya Boyd
President of Tanya Boyd & Associates

I didn’t want to go to urgent care or the ER. Using Doctors Online in my freshbenies membership, I went online to ask a doctor. The doctor responded and said to check my blood pressure. He followed up with the next day to make sure my numbers were OK. By then, the feeling was starting to go away. He told me if it persists to contact my doctor. It was great that I didn’t have to go somewhere and wait forever, and it was free.” - Kelli from Texas

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Marta from NC

I’ve had a great experience using this app!

It’s very convenient with everyday life.


I use it all the time and highly recommend freshbenies to everyone!