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Cut healthcare costs and confusion for your family one easy membership

Advocacy, telehealth, savings networks and more


Healthcare is out of control!

You're dealing with...
  • pocket Rising out-of-pocket costs
  • confusing A confusing, complicated system
  • appointments Inconvenient doctor appointments
  • prescriptions Fewer covered prescriptions
  • medical-cost Higher medical costs

freshbenies gives you control!

We help you with...
  • control-telehealth 24/7 doctor visits by email, phone, video
  • control-advocacy Medical price estimates and bill negotiation
  • control-prescription Prescription Savings
  • control-dental-vision Discounts on Dental, Vision, Legal, Pet Care
  • control-safeIdentity Identity theft protection

How does freshbenies help you?

Healthcare is complicated, expensive and a huge time suck.
freshbenies gives you powerful services to navigate
healthcare like a boss.
Control Your Dime

"I’ve truly saved hundreds of dollars ...$50 on a routine dental check-up, called Telehealth 4x and saved about 50% on prescriptions that were written over the phone...”
Connie from Texas

Be confident your family’s health needs are taken care of without blowing your budget or wasting hours of your time.

Save hundreds to thousands with freshbenies services to help with doctor visits, prescriptions, medical bills, medical procedures, dental and vision needs, pet care, legal issues, identity theft, and more.. 

3 ways to use your membership

Your freshbenies services are at your fingertips!

Access all of your freshbenies services in your easy-to-use member portal. Click here to log in or register now.

Your member portal

Put all your services at your fingertips ! Click here to download the freshbenies app NOW!

Your freshbenies app

Flip your card for contact numbers for all your services, plus our freshbenies Member Services number for questions.

Your freshbenies card

We want to hear from you!

Need more info? Tell us about you and we’ll be in touch!
What type of business do you represent (click all that apply)?