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Jul 11,2019

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with benefits and how they work? Most of us have faced a crazy price when engaging healthcare for ourselves or a loved one – and that sense of wondering whether or not it’s the right price. 

A couple of years ago I was prescribed a new medication. At that time, it was covered on my insurance and cost me about $15 per month. The following year, we chose a different insurance plan. When I went to pick up my prescription in January, I was told it was 100% covered. Yep, cost me $0 – score!

May 01,2019

Who has extra time to search for a new doctor? Whether you’ve recently moved (like me) or your insurance changed, it can be quite a task to locate new doctors that are both in-network AND accepting new patients – let alone accommodate other special preferences and needs you may have!

Today, I’m sharing the easy process of using an Advocacy service to find new physicians, dentists, optometrists and more….

Apr 01,2019

Do you feel yourself getting upset about the increasing cost of healthcare? Are you looking for ways to save on your out-of-pocket costs? Have you tried a Health Savings Account (HSA)? 

Dec 04,2018

No, the title of my article is not a typo or a weird loophole. This is a story about real savings, based on having an educated conversation with my doctor. 

Mar 21,2018

This is a guest post by Dr. Val Jones who works with our Doctors Online partners at eDocAmerica.

Poor sleep may contribute to increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, and depression, yet physicians often forget to ask their patients about their sleep habits until it becomes a crisis. Sleep specialists recommend that insomnia be treated at the same time as other medical conditions. It is common for clinicians to hope that if the other conditions are treated first, good sleep will follow. But that is rarely the case. 

Mar 30,2016

Top 10 Reasons to Fund Your 2015 HSA! 

Do you feel yourself getting upset about the increasing cost of healthcare? Are you looking for ways to save?  Have you tried a Health Savings Account (HSA)? 

If not, it’s time to get with it! According to a report from Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI), at the end of 2014, consumers kept $24.2 billion across 13.4 million HSAs. Nearly 4 in 5 of those accounts were opened after 2010. 

Jan 20,2016

Recently, I was diagnosed with astigmatism and needed a simple pair of glasses. When I received the bill from my optometrist, I noticed 6 different codes. There was a code for the exam, the frame, polycarb (something that protects the lens), material copay, fundus photography (not sure what that is), and something else with lots of numbers and letters that needed deciphering.

Nov 11,2015

The U.S. healthcare industry is weird. Virtually every American has health insurance in some form or another, and yet the vast majority of us don’t actually know what it does or how to use it wisely.


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Marta from NC

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